Integration with Industry Foundation Classes

Based on IFC models provides fast and accurate quantity calculations.

The user easily builds element filters and calculations, getting immediate view of the selected elements and the corresponding calculation result.

Select object type from the list of elements in the IFC file.

Define the calculation formula based on the numeric properties of the element.

Add any necessary properties and build any additional filter.

Specify the WBS item associated with the measurement.

Extraction BIM Measurement
Extraction BIM Calculation

For each element selected the user can see its properties provided in the IFC file.

The properties use is threefold : Element filtering, values calculation and comparing elements.

Models originating from the same model can be compared.

Selecting two models the user views their respective models and a list of modified element properties as well as lists of added/deleted elements. Selecting a row highlights it in the model view.

Extraction BIM Calculation

The user may select a numerical property or use properties to build a formula.

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